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How to be a Butter and Egg Man

Those of you who follow my other blog (http://practiceintime.blogspot.com/) know that I am very much interested in homesteading and self-sufficiency. Of course, this dovetails nicely with a Depression-era lifestyle. I try to be as hands-on with my food as possible; knowing the sources and cooking from scratch as much as possible.

We hunt and fish for our meat, and I garden, forage and preserve most of our produce. One of the few areas in which I rely on the market is for dairy products. At the moment it is not possible for us to have a homegrown source for our milk, cheese and butter, so I have to make do with store-bought.

A Depression-era housewife without access to her own milk cow or goat would have had deliveries from the milkman. While we sadly no longer have access to that convenience (my father-in-law was a milkman and my husband’s uncle owned a dairy) I am hoping it will make a comeback someday!

Back in the 1930s, before one could pop into the local 7-11 for a plastic gallon of skim milk, we would have had four quarts of whole milk in glass bottles delivered to our doorstep early in the morning. This milk would have been full fat and with a layer of cream on top. This single product would have supplied the housewife with 5 different items: milk, heavy cream, ice cream, buttermilk and butter.

How is that? Well, by skimming the cream off the top, you are left with the milk and the cream. If you don’t make ice cream in a hand crank freezer, you can churn the cream, to create butter and buttermilk. And churning the cream is a lot easier than you might think!

It’s so easy I let my kids do it. I purchased a quart of heavy cream in place of the product I would have skimmed off the top of my natural milk. (Light cream will not work.) I poured about a 1 1/2 cups of it into a clean quart mason jar with a lid. Then I let me kids take turns shaking it to churn it. This is not a quick process, so having a few extra hands to pass the jar around helps. We started churning about 6 pm, and after about half an hour we had whipped cream in the jar. I scooped a little of that out, added a tiny bit of sugar and used it to top our strawberries at dessert!

After about another hour, the whipped cream starts to solidify and all of a sudden it will become a soft ball of butter. It is clearly visible in the jar- a ball of light yellow butter inside about a cup of buttermilk. Pour off the buttermilk to use in your pancakes or biscuits and place the ball of butter in a cold glass bowl. Add a few cups of cold water and gently knead the butterball to release the remaining buttermilk. (If you don’t rinse the butter, the remaining buttermilk- an acid- will cause the butter to spoil quickly.) Discard that water and keep adding fresh water until the butter no longer releases a milky-colored water.

At this point, you could add a tiny bit of salt to make salted butter or herbs or roasted garlic to make flavored butter. Put the homemade butter in a small glass container (like my Pyrex Fridgie!) or wrap it in wax paper and store in the fridge or freezer. I topped some of my homemade English muffins (recipe here) with homemade butter, and the taste was unbelievable!

For more info and much more detail on the scientific aspects of home-churned butter, see one of my favorite websites: http://www.cookingforengineers.com/article/113/Making-Butter


2 responses

  1. My grandmother had one of the square glass tabletop churns with wooden paddles. By the time I remember first seeing it, she had quit using it and had retired it to the garage, but she pulled it out again in the 80s and cleaned it up to use as a decorator item in her kitchen. This new blog is going to be so fascinating! I can’t wait to read more. When my grandsons are older, I’ll show them how to make whipped cream and butter.

    April 26, 2012 at 5:59 pm

    • Dana, you could definitely show them- it’s so easy. And if they’re a little too young for the glass jar, you could always use a plastic tupperware container. As long as the lid is secured, even a baby could do it.

      May 2, 2012 at 11:25 am

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